BBS in a Box 7
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McAssembly™ V7.4 Shareware Docs
Copyright © 1986,87 By Signature Software
(This document is layed out for Monaco 9, with tabs set to eight spaces.)
* McAssembly is now "MultiFinder-friendly". This means two things:
1.) McAssembly's SIZE -1 resource is compatible with MultiFinder
and indicates to MF that McAssembly is "MF-aware". If you
find yourself running out of symbol table space when running
under MF, then increase the minimum and preferred sizes in
the SIZE -1 resource.
2.) McAssembly can run in the background under MF. This means that
you can run assemblies, links, and jobs as a background
* The trap compiler now supports the new 256K ROM (color) traps.
* Fixed a bug in macro substrings - if substring length was longer than the
actual parameter string and if the substring didn't start in the
first position, then garbage was added to the string when it was
* Fixed a bug in the linker - included resources which had an odd length
were getting their fourth byte zapped to zero.
* The assembler now supports 68010, 68020, and 68851 instructions.
* STR resources with ID's greater than 999 are now used to build the Transfer
menu. This allows you to make your own transfer menu.
* Raw data files can now have their types and signatures specified with
* BTST's are now allowed on PC-relative operands.
* MOVE An,CCR is now illegal.
* The linker's maximum resource size has been increased from 32K to 64K.
* Added the ability to combine multiple user-defined resource module files
into one resource in the linker.
* The status window is now moveable.
* The main and status windows are now moveable across all of a large screen
* Save Options now also saves the sizes and locations of both windows.
* Added the Print to Modem Port option in Misc. menu.
* RSEC now takes an origin as in: RSEC <orgexpr> [,An].
This document briefly describes the McAssembly program - an assembler,
resource compiler, linker, and job controller for the Macintosh. McAssembly is
a shareware program - if you like it and use it, then please register it by
sending $50.00 to:
Signature Software (checks payable to same)
2151 Brown Ave.
Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 639-8764
All registered owners will receive the following:
• a 94-page manual
• the latest version of the program
• Apple's EDIT editor
• a symbolic debugger called McBug
• several example working applications source code files
• all of the standard Apple equate, trap, and .rel files in McAssembly
format (MPW Version 2.0 or later)
• a utility to convert McAssembly .rel files to MDS .rel files
• 24-hour, 7-day telephone support
(Supplied on two 400K MFS diskettes. All of the source and equate
files are in a packed format to conserve disk space. An unpacking
utility is provided.)
I strongly recommend that you register it if you use it, just for the
additional examples and manual alone. (This document must of necessity be very
brief - the manual goes into much greater detail. The WriteNow manual files are
over 400K, which I thought was too much to expect people to download, so I've
condensed them into this text file.)
To those of you who might object that this isn't a complete package
because I've not distributed everything that you should have (particularly the
system equate files and examples), I answer as follows:
• The whole package takes up almost 800K of disk space - I can't
imagine anyone seriously wanting to download that! The $50.00 registration fee
is probably a wash when you consider the download charges, the time to download
and print the docs, and the aggravation. The documentation presented here,
while condensed, does represent all of the essential information that you need
to know to use the program, it's just a lot easier if you have the whole
package. In addition, don't forget that the whole package is a complete
assembly language development system. Something as complex as that hardly lends
itself to electronic distribution. In fact, I think I've done a masterful job
just in getting all of the information you need to use it in only this 50K
• Parts of the package are copyright by Apple Computer, and I can't
distribute them indiscriminately. I can supply them to registerees under the
terms of my license with Apple.
• If you're an experienced Mac assembly language programmer, then the
information presented here is probably more than enough to get you going. If
you're converting from some other assembler to McAssembly, you may not even
need the whole package (although I would still expect you to register.) If
you're an inexperienced Mac programmer, then the examples in the registered
package, the system files, and my telephone support would probably be of value
to you, but I don't see how anyone could object to paying for those.
• Given the current registration ratios of other Macintosh shareware
programs, what's wrong with having a little incentive to register?
| |
| Dave McWherter 9/3/86 |
| |
| Compuserve 70057,1612 |
| Delphi DMcWherter |
| Genie D.McWherter |
First, a description of the menu options:
File menu:
Assemble assembles a file
Link links a group of files
Run job executes a .job file
Save options save current McAssembly options
Quit what else?
Assembler menu:
Object file creates a .rel object file
Listing to printer echoes output to printer
Listing to screen echoes output to screen
Listing to file echoes output to .lst file
Errors only listing only outputs error lines
Symbol table outputs symbol table at end
Cross reference outputs cross reference table at end
Terse cref mode removes unref'ed .PSM symbols from
cross reference list
.PSM file creates a .PSM file
DEF all symbols DEFs all non-.PSM symbols in the file
No listing headers suppresses headers in listings
MPW object format object file will be in MPW format, .o
Error lines to clip copies error lines to clipboard
Linker menu:
Symbol table outputs symbol table at end
.MAP file output echoes output to .map file
Printer output echoes output to printer
McBug .SYM file creates symbol file for use with McBug
Raw code data file puts output code in data fork of file
with no resource formatting
User .MAP file creates a .map file in a user-defined
Jobs menu:
Stop if Asm error stop the job if assembly error occurs
No link if Asm error don't link if assembly error occurs
Force assemblies force all files in job to be assembled
Misc. menu:
Enable Beep enable beep at end of commands
Use .Print driver route printer output through the driver
(else goes directly to serial port B)
Print to modem port routes printer output to the modem port
(only if Use .Print driver not enabled)
Transfer menu:
default transfer string names which you can change with ResEdit
Other transfers to any other program
All source code lines must be in the following form:
[label] opcode [operand] [;] [comment]
Tabs or spaces separate fields, and >>> only one tab (or space) can
appear between the opcode field and the operand field <<<. Labels may contain
up to 100 characters, all of which are significant. Labels may contain
alphanumeric characters and any of the following characters: _, %, !, @, #, $,
?, or period. Labels may be suffixed with a colon if desired.
The semicolon comment designator character is optional in the majority
of cases. Specifically, if an opcode appears in the line then you can omit the
semicolon. If a line contains just a label and a comment, then you have to use
the semicolon.
All arithmetic and logical operations are 32-bit operations. McAssembly
supports the following operators and special characters.
+ integer addition
- integer subtraction
/ integer division (32 bits/32 bits = 32 bits)
* integer multiplication (32 bits * 32 bits = 32 bits)
MOD integer modulus
SHL logical shift left (16 SHL 2 = 64)
<< same as SHL
SHR logical shift right (16 SHR 3 = 2)
>> same as SHR
AND logical bit AND
OR logical bit OR
XOR logical bit eXclusive-OR
NOT logical bit inverse
'xxxx' character constant (1-4 characters, right justified)
* current value of program counter
$ specifies a hexadecimal number
% specifies a binary number
(The following relational operators return true or false;
true = $FFFFFFFF and false = 0.)
<= less than or equal
<> not equal
>= greater than or equal
< less than
> greater than
= equal to
The expression processor uses standard algebraic precedence rules. Use
parentheses to force precedence.
McAssembly automatically aligns those things that must be on an even
address (opcodes, variable or constant words and longs, trap words, etc.) by
putting a zero byte in front of them if necessary. However, labels on
automatically aligned lines still carry the value of the address before the
alignment. These may be odd. If this happens, McAssembly warns you with a LABEL
ON ODD ADDRESS message. If that's what you really wanted, then you can ignore
the warning. Otherwise, you must change the code accordingly, probably by
adding an explicit ALIGN pseudo-op, and reassemble.
(These are almost in alphabetical order. In some cases, pseudo-ops
which are used together are grouped together for description purposes.)
A5OFF <absolute expr> specify initial A5 offset
A5SEC define A5 offset variables
A5END end an A5SEC
A5REF <symbol> [, <symbol>, ...] reference an A5SEC variable
All global data which is to be stored offset from A5 must be defined between
A5SEC and A5END. You can have as many A5SEC's in a file as you want - the
linker concatenates them. A5OFF may be used to specify the initial offset below
A5 for all of your globals, and defaults to $100. A5REF is used to reference A5
variables which are defined in other modules. Symbols which are defined as A5
variables don't have to have the '(A5)' suffixed to them. For example:
a5off grafSize
global1 ds.l 1
global2 ds.w 2
a5ref external
move global1,d0 this is the same as...
move global1(a5),d0 this
move external,d0 and this is the same as...
move external(a5),d0 this
ALIGN [<expr>] aligns the PC to a multiple of <expr>, default = 2
.ALIGN [<expr>] aligns the PC to a multiple of <expr>, default = 2
BASE An, <symbol> [,<symbol>, ...] auto-offsets specified symbols by An
BASE specifies that a symbol is to be offset by the specified address register
every time you use it For example, if you do this:
base a6,sym1,sym2
move sym1,d0 then this instruction
move sym1(a6),d0 is the same as this one and
move sym1(a3),d0 you can override it if you want
BASE An auto-offset all subsequently defined symbols by An
ENDB turn off symbol basing (only necessary if no symbols
are specified in the BASE operand list)
CASE turns on case sensitivity
If you don't use CASE, then case in labels is not significant.
DB <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant bytes at the PC
DC <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant words at the PC
DC.B <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant bytes at the PC
DC.L <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant longs at the PC
DC.W <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant words at the PC
DL <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant longs at the PC
DW <expr> [, <expr>, ...] define constant words at the PC
DCB <count>, <value> define block of <count> bytes of <value>
DCB.B <count>, <value> define block of <count> bytes of <value>
DCB.L <count>, <value> define block of <count> longs of <value>
DCB.W <count>, <value> define block of <count> words of <value>
FILL <count>, <value> equivalent to DCB
DEF <symbol> [, <symbol>, ...] externally define symbols
XDEF <symbol> [, <symbol>, ...] externally define symbols
DEF and XDEF are equivalent - they allow symbols in this file to be referenced
from another file.
Same as DEF'ing every symbol in the file.
DEFINE "string" define a string symbol; the symbol may then be
used anywhere in a source line between
curly brackets and will cause a string
replacement before the line is
assembled. For example:
hello define "goodbye" if you define hello to be 'goodbye'
text "* {hello} *" then this string will be '* goodbye *'
DSEC <absolute expr> [<An] start dummy section, org'ed at <absolute expr>,
base all labels inside to An
DSEC [<symbol>] end a DSEC, symbol is set to size of the DSEC
RSEC <absolute expr> [,An] begin reverse DSEC, org'ed at <absolute expr>,
optionally BASE all labels inside to An
(default A6)
ENDR [<symbol>] end an RSEC, symbol set to size of the section
DSEC and DEND delimit "dummy sections", which may contain only storage
allocation statements. No storage is actually allocated for items in a dummy
section - their primary use is to assign values to record structures. Only
storage allocation statements are allowed in dummy sections. For example:
dsec 1
sym1 ds.b 1 will have a value of 1
sym2 ds.w 1 will have a value of 2
sym3 ds.l 1 will have a value of 4
Dummy sections may also be defined in 'reverse' using RSEC, for example:
rsec 0
sym1 ds 0 will have a value of 0
sym2 ds.w 1 will have a value of -2
sym3 ds.l 1 will have a value of -6
sym4 ds.w 1 will have a value of -8
endr rsize rsize will have a value of 8
DS <count> define <count> words of storage at PC
DS.B <count> define <count> bytes of storage at PC
DS.L <count> define <count> longs of storage at PC
DS.W <count> define <count> words of storage at PC
BOOLEAN <count> same as ds.w (These allow more mnemonic DS's...)
BYTE <count> same as ds.b " " " "
CHAR <count> same as ds.w " " " "
HANDLE <count> same as ds.l " " " "
HDL <count> same as ds.l " " " "
INTEGER <count> same as ds.w " " " "
LONG <count> same as ds.l " " " "
LONGINT <count> same as ds.l " " " "
POINT <count> same as ds.l " " " "
POINTER <count> same as ds.l " " " "
PTR <count> same as ds.l " " " "
RECT <count> same as ds.b 8*<count>
VAR <count> same as ds.l " " " "
WORD <count> same as ds.w " " " "
IF <absolute expr> conditional assembly
ELSE used with IF
ENDI end an IF clause
ENDIF end an IF clause
IFDEF <symbol> true if symbol defined
IFNDEF <symbol> true if symbol undefined
IF1 true if pass 1
IF2 true if pass 2
Conditional assembly control. For example:
if 0 the expr is not true, so
<statements> these statements aren't assembled
else (else clauses are optional)
<statements> but these statements are
IFLIST <expr> conditional listing control
If the expression is true (the default condition), then conditional assembly
clauses which aren't assembled will appear in the listing, otherwise they
END end of program (optional)
EQU <expr> equate symbol to <expr>
EQU.B <expr> equate symbol to <expr> (equivalent to equ)
EQU.W <expr> equate symbol to <expr> (equivalent to equ)
EQU.L <expr> equate symbol to <expr> (equivalent to equ)
ERROR "your error message"
Allows user-definable assembly errors.
FSIGN <absolute expr> specify program's Finder file signature
FTYPE <absolute expr> specify program's Finder file type
For example, if you're assembling an application, then:
ftype 'APPL'
fsign 'ursg'
Or, if you're assembling a desk accessory to be installed by the Font/DA Mover:
ftype 'DFIL'
fsign 'DMOV'
IPATH "pathname" specify an HFS path to subsequent include files
INCL "filename" include another source file
INCLUDE "filename" include another source file
JTBL <symbol> [, <symbol>, ...] specify jump table entries
Any symbol that's referenced from another segment by a Bcc, DBcc, JSR, JMP,
LEA, or PEA instruction >>> must <<< be specified as a jump table entry.
LINE [ <char> [ , <count> ] ] prettyprint a line of chars
Outputs a listing line filled with the specified number of characters. <count>
defaults to 50, and <char> defaults to '*'.
LIST <absolute expr> listing control
If the expression is true (not 0), then subsequent source lines appear in the
listing, otherwise they won't.
LFRAME [An] begin local variable stack frame, and BASE symbols
inside to An (default A6)
ENDL [<symbol>] end a LFRAME, symbol is set to size of the frame
LFRAME and ENDL allow local variables which are to be stored on the stack to be
easily defined. Symbols defined within the frame are automatically BASE'd to
the specified register so that you don't have to suffix them with '(An)'. For
local1 integer will have an a6 offset of -2
local2 longint will have an a6 offset of -6
local3 rect will have an a6 offset of -14
endl lsize will have a value of 14
link a6,#-lsize save stack space for locals
move local1,d0 this instruction is the same as...
move -2(a6),d0 this one
unlk a6 clear locals from stack
rts return
LOC start new local scope block
LOCSYM <expr> change local label character
NOLOC auto-LOC on non-local labels
Local symbols begin with a period and may contain the same cast of characters
as normal labels. Their scope normally extends from one LOC statement to the
next LOC statement. This can be changed with the NOLOC statement, which causes
local symbol scopes to extend from one non-local label to the next non-local
label. The local symbol prefix character can be changed with the LOCSYM
statement. For example,
.hello nop this .hello
.hello nop is different than this .hello
.hello nop but this .hello causes an error
Or, using NOLOC, and LOCSYM (for MDS compatibility):
locsym '@'
goodbye nop
@hello nop this @hello
solong nop
@hello nop is different than this @hello
@hello nop but this @hello causes an error
MACRO [&1,&2,...,&F] begin a macro definition
MACROX [&1,&2,...,&F] ditto, no auto LOC on call
ENDM end a macro definition
MEXP <absolute expr> macro expansion control
These control macros. For example, given a macro called test defined as:
test macro &1,&2,&3,&4,&5,&6
move &1,d0
lea &2,a0
if &&3 = "hello"
text &&4 notice quote enclosure
lab%5 nop notice expand as value string
&6 parameters may be opcodes
text "&2[2:3] param substring [start:length]
And a call to test like this:
num equ 1234
test d2,symbol,hello,mikey,num,_Open
Then it would be expanded to the following:
move d2,d0
lea symbol,a0
text "mikey"
lab1234 nop
text "ymb"
MACROs do an automatic LOC on entry so that local symbols inside the macro have
their own scope. This prevents local symbols inside the macro from conflicting
with local symbols outside it. MACROX's do not do the LOC - so that you can
pass local symbols to a macro if you want. MEXP controls whether or not macro
expansions appear in the listing: they will appear if the expression is true.
M68000 only allow 68000 instructions and addressing modes (this is
the default mode)
M68010 only allow 68000 and 68010 instructions and addressing modes
M68020 allow 68000, 68010, and 68020 instructions and addressing modes
NAME <symbol> specifies the module name (one source file is a module)
PAGE ["title"] page eject, optionally specifying a page title
PFRAME [An] begin parameter stack frame, and BASE symbols inside to
An (default A6)
ENDP [<symbol>] end a PFRAME, symbol is set to size of the frame
PFRAME and ENDP allow parameters passed on the stack to subroutines to be
easily defined. For example, suppose you have a subroutine whose Pascal
definition is:
FUNCTION Slush (parm1: LONGINT; parm2: INTEGER; parm3: BOOLEAN) : INTEGER;
Then you could code it in McAssembly as follows:
result integer will have an a6 offset of 16
parm1 longint will have an a6 offset of 12
parm2 integer will have an a6 offset of 10
parm3 boolean will have an a6 offset of 8
endp psize will have a value of 10
Slush link a6,#0
move parm2,d0 then this is equivalent to
move 10(a6),d0 to this
move d0,result returns the result
unlk a6
move.l (sp)+,a0 get return address
addi.l #psize-2,sp clear parameters (leave result)
jmp (a0) and return
Notice that PFRAME automatically allocates space for a stacked return address
and a stacked linkage register, so you have to do a 'link' instruction on entry
to the routine if you use PFRAME. The ENDP is optional is you have an LFRAME
immediately following.
PRMT "prompt" display a prompt on the screen
PRTR "string" send ctrl string to printer
PSIZE <absolute expr> set listing page size
REF <symbol> [, <symbol>, ...] reference external symbols
XREF <symbol> [, <symbol>, ...] reference external symbols
REF and XREF are equivalent and allow you to reference symbols which are
defined in other modules.
REQU Dn | An | <register symbol> equate symbol to a register
For example:
dataptr requ a4
move.l (dataptr),d0 then this is the same as...
move.l (a4),d0 this
bufptr equ dataptr
move.l bufptr,d1 and this...
move.l a4,d1 is the same as this
RPATH "pathname" specify an HFS path for the .rel object file
SET <expr> set symbol to value, may be reSET again
STRING <expr> set DC.B string formats:
0 = no length byte prefixes (default)
else prefix with length bytes
TABS <n> specify listing tab stops every <n> columns
TCOMP activate the trap compiler (described later)
TERSE set short listing format (no line numbers, 16 bits of
program counter)
TEXP <absolute expr> text expansion control
If the expression is 0, then only one line of object bytes appears in the
listing for a TEXT statement. Otherwise all of the bytes generated by the text
will appear in the listing.
TEXT [ - | + | # ] "string" define a text string
'-' sets bit 7 on the last byte of the string. '+' sets bit 7 in every string
byte (Apple ][ forever!). '#' stuffs a length byte in front of the string.
(Only one prefix is allowed at a time.) You can use the following escape
characters in the string:
/R carriage return $0D
/L linefeed $0A
/" double quote $22
/T tab $09
/E escape $1B
/0 null $00
// slash $2F
/F formfeed $0C
/B backspace $08
/$hh any hex number $hh
/' single quote $27
/D current date
/S select short date form
/U select unabbreviated long date form
/A select abbreviated long date form (the default)
For example:
text #"ABC" generates 05 41 42 43
text +"ABC" generates C1 C2 C3
text -"ABC" generates 41 42 C3
text "ABC/T/$21/R" generates 41 42 43 09 21 0D
TITLE "string [$] " specify listing page title, '$' generates a timestamp
TRAPW <absolute expr> define a trap word
OPWORD <absolute expr> define a trap word
For example:
_Open trapw $A003
In all of the above pseudo-op descriptions, strings have been shown
delimited by double quotes as in "string". However, you may also delimit them
with single quotes as in 'string'. The only place you can't use single quotes
as delimiters is in IF comparisons (because then the single quoted item would
be evaluated as a character constant.)
Packed symbol files are binary files containing only symbol
definitions. They're smaller in size than their text equivalents. This saves
disk space and speeds up assembly. They also speed up assembly because they're
read only on the first pass of the assembly. They're not read on the second
pass. Packed symbol files have a filename suffix of .PSM.
You can create a file of symbol definitions from any source file. Just
select the assembler .PSM file option and assemble the file. McAssembly dumps
all the names of all symbols defined in the file and their values to a .PSM
file at the end of the assembly.
You use .PSM files by INCLuding them in your source files.
Symbols that are defined in more than one INCLuded .PSM file are not
flagged as multiply defined symbols. The symbol takes the value of the last
definition of it processed by McAssembly. This allows you to use .PSM files
containing overlapping symbol definitions without worrying about multiple
McAssembly contains a built-in Trap Compiler which allows certain
toolbox and O/S traps to be invoked with one line of source code. It eliminates
much of the drudgery from trap setup and interfacing. For brevity, we'll call
the Trap Compiler simply the TC throughout the rest of this section.
The TC was designed to simplify interfacing to the Macintosh
stack-based traps. Stack-based traps are those traps which pass parameters and
return results on the 68000 stack. (As opposed to register-based traps, which
pass parameters and return results in 68000 registers.) Interfacing to
stack-based traps requires a standard sequence of steps which are common to all
such traps:
1.) If the trap is a function, make room on the stack for the function
2.) Push the parameters on the stack.
3.) Execute the trap.
4.) If the trap is a function, remove the function result from the
This standard sequence requires a large amount of source code overhead each
time a trap is called. Not only is this process tedious to code, but it is also
prone to errors. The purpose of the TC is two-fold: to eliminate the coding
overhead and to automate the sequence as much as possible in order to eliminate
coding errors.
The TC is not available for use unless you specifically invoke it by
using the TCOMP pseudo-op. If you want to use the TC, just specify TCOMP at the
beginning of your source file. TCOMP loads the symbol table with special highly
encoded macrox definitions of all the stack-based traps.
Once you've activated the TC with TCOMP, you can then invoke any
stack-based trap by specifying the name of the trap as an opcode and follow it
with a list of parameters as operands like this:
TrapName <tab> param1, param2,...,paramn [,=result]
Notice that TrapName is not preceded by an underscore character. This allows
you to bypass the TC and manually invoke all of the traps by using the trap
name preceded by an underscore.
The list of parameters param1...paramn varies depending on the trap
you're calling. The parameters in the list correspond exactly to the PASCAL
definitions of the traps in Inside Macintosh. Some traps don't have any
parameters, in which case you don't specify any. The contents of the parameters
you specify are automatically pushed onto the stack for you by the TC. The size
of the item pushed (byte, word, long) is also automatically taken care of for
you by the TC.
In some cases, you'll want to use the address of a symbol as a
parameter instead of its contents. The TC allows you to do that by specifying
an exclamation point character ! in front of the parameter. Note that ! is only
allowed on parameters of size long.
The =result item is only used on functions. If the trap returns a
result on the stack, then it's a function and you have to specify where you
want the result to be stored. In the case of functions, the TC automatically
creates room on the stack for the function result before stacking any input
parameters and pops the result off the stack after the trap returns and stores
it in the result parameter you specify (again, taking care of sizing
automatically.) The = before a result item is optional. It's only purpose is to
improve readability of your code.
All of this may sound complex, but it's really pretty easy to use.
Examples are a better way to explain it, so...
Here's an example of using the TC. We'll use the Menu Manager trap
_NewMenu which has a PASCAL definition of:
function NewMenu (menuID:INTEGER; menuTitle:Str255) : MenuHandle
Here's a code fragment using this trap:
tcomp turn on the trap compiler
ourTitle text #"Example" parameters we'll need
ourMenu equ 100
MHandle ds.l 1
NewMenu #ourMenu,!ourTitle,=MHandle
This trap call would be expanded by the TC to the following sequence:
subq.l #4,sp
move.w #ourMenu,-(sp)
pea ourTitle,-(sp)
dc.w $A931
move.l (sp)+,MHandle
Notice that in this example we needed the address of the title so we prefixed
ourTitle with !.
Let's use the same trap for another example. Assume that this time we
have computed the value of the menu ID and the address of the title string
dynamically. Assume further that the menu ID is in register D1 and the title
string address is in A2. We would then invoke the trap as follows:
NewMenu d1,a2,a0
Which would expand to:
subq.l #4,sp
move.w d1,-(sp)
move.l a2,-(sp)
dc.w $A931
move.l (sp)+,a0
Notice that this time we didn't specify the = to indicate a function result.
This is perfectly acceptable but not as readable. Also notice that we stored
the result in register A0 as opposed to MHandle.
There are two stack-based traps which have the same names as McAssembly
opcodes: the QuickDraw traps Move and Line. To avoid conflicts, if you want to
use the TC on these traps, be aware that they're renamed QDMove and QDLine in
the TC. You have to use these new names if you want the TC to recognize these
two traps.
The trap compiler doesn't contain definitions for the following traps
(because they're register-based):
Device Manager
File Manager
Memory Manager
OS Event Manager
OS Utilities
Segment Loader
In addition, only the following packages are supported:
Standard File
Disk Initialization
SCSI Manager
List Manager
Color Picker
Script Manager
ShutDown Manager
(The trap compiler contains definitions for all of the stack-based Mac+
traps for the 128K ROM and Mac II color traps for the 256K ROM.)
There are naming conflicts between the names recognized by the TC and
some equates in the .PSM files. In particular, some "routine selector" equates
will cause conflicts. For example, SFGetFile is both a legal TC trap name and a
routine selector equate in the PackMacs.PSM file. If you want to use the TC
with the .PSM files, then you must activate it after you've included the .PSM
files!. In other words, don't use TCOMP until after all of your includes. If
you do this, then the symbols which are in both files will be forced to be trap
compiler names. The duplicated symbols will no longer be available as equated
values. Which is what you want, since if you're using the TC, then you won't
need the routine selector equates.
McAssembly contains a built-in Resource Compiler which can assemble
resource definitions. A two-character resource delimiter at the start of a
source line identifies resource definitions. The delimiter sequence $$ starts a
standard resource definition, a definition of a resource type that McAssembly
knows how to interpret. The delimiter sequence [[ starts a user-defined
resource definition, a definition of a resource type that McAssembly doesn't
know how to interpret. The delimiter sequence ]] ends a user defined resource
definition. Standard resource definitions don't require an ending delimiter
because McAssembly knows where the resource definition ends from information
you supply in the definition.
The formats of the two types of definitions are as follows:
$$ TYPE, ID, ATTR, NAME [<tab>] [;] [comment]
<item list>
[[ TYPE, ID, ATTR, NAME [<tab>] [;] [comment]
<code and/or data>
TYPE is a four-character resource type. For standard definitions, it
must be one that McAssembly recognizes. For a user-defined definition, it can
be any four characters. ID is the resource ID number. ATTR specifies the
attribute byte for the resource. NAME is the name string of the resource. ATTR
and NAME are optional parameters and may be omitted, although you can't omit
the ATTR if you want to specify a NAME. Here are two examples for a standard
resource, one with all parameters specified, and one with ATTR and NAME
$$ ALRT, 2, 0, alert no. 2
$$ WIND, 1
The item list is simply a list of items that make up the resource
definition. McAssembly interprets each item in the list in a certain way. The
types of items you specify in the list must correspond exactly with the types
of items that McAssembly expects for that resource. If you specify an item of
the wrong type or if you specify too many or too few items, you'll get syntax
errors (many) on subsequent lines of the file.
Items in the item list appear at the beginning of subsequent source
lines after the line containing the $$. The format of lines in the item list is
as follows:
item [, item, ...] [<tab>] [;] [comment]
item [, item, ...] [<tab>] [;] [comment]
etc... for as many lines as it takes to specify all items
As you can see, you have your choice of entering each item on its own source
line, or of placing several items on one line, or a combination of either.
McAssembly ignores all subsequent characters on the line after a tab or ;
character and skips to the start of the next line for the next item in the
There are several types of items. The type of each is marked in the
descriptions of the formats for each standard resource. These types have the
following meanings:
bexp an expression interpreted as a byte
wexp an expression interpreted as a word
lexp an expression interpreted as a long
chrl a four-character long
str a string
bexp, wexp, and lexp items are numeric expressions and can be any legal
McAssembly expression. In most cases, you don't have to worry about what size
the expression is. In some cases you do, particularly in the bit maps, which
McAssembly interprets as a sequence of longwords.
Enter chrl items as a sequence of from one to four characters. If you
specify fewer than four characters, then the item is left justified in a 32-bit
long and padded on the right with spaces. Don't enclose the characters in
quotation marks.
You may enter strings in either of two ways. First, if your string
contains no special characters or leading spaces you can just type the string.
If it does contain special characters or leading spaces, you must enclose the
string in quotation marks as "string". (Any of the escape sequences allowed in
TEXT strings are allowed in string.) If your string isn't enclosed in quotation
marks, then you can continue the string to the start of the next line by ending
the string with a \ character. Strings enclosed in quotes can't be continued to
the next line. You can specify a null string (a string with a length of zero)
with the vertical bar |.
The code and/or data in a user-defined resource may be any combination
of legal McAssembly instruction opcodes or pseudo-ops. The definition must end
with the ]] delimiter or you'll get an error message.
What follows is a list of the standard resource types that McAssembly
recognizes and the formats of the item lists for each. Each item in these
formats appears on its own source line but that doesn't have to be the case.
They're only shown that way here for clarity.
TOP wexp bounds rectangle:
LEFT wexp
RIGHT wexp
DITL_LIST_ID wexp resc ID of item list
STAGES wexp see DLOG Mgr, IM, page 35
SIGNATURE chrl application's signature
VERS_DATA_RESC_ID wexp 0 by convention
NO_RESC_TYPES wexp no. of BNDL resc types that follow:
For each resc type:
RESOURCE_TYPE chrl typically ICN# or FREF
NO_MAPPINGS_THIS_TYPE wexp no. of mappings that follow:
For each mapping:
** Note: If you use the standard BNDL resource in a module, then McAssembly
automatically sets the bundle bit in the output file after the link is
TOP wexp bounds rectangle:
LEFT wexp
RIGHT wexp
INITIAL_VALUE wexp current value of control
VISIBLE wexp boolean
MAX_VALUE wexp maximum value of control
MIN_VALUE wexp minimum value of control
CTRL_DEFINITION_ID wexp resc ID of the definition function for
the control type:
0 simple button
1 check box
2 radio button
8 add to use window's font
16 scroll bar
REFCON lexp user defined value
TITLE str the control's title
CURSOR_DATA_BYTES lexp eight longs of cursor image:
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
CURSOR_MASK_BYTES lexp eight longs of cursor mask:
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
" lexp
H_OF_HOT_SPOT wexp horizontal of the hot spot
V_OF_HOT_SPOT wexp vertical of the hot spot
NO_ITEMS_IN_LIST wexp no. of items in this list:
For each item in the list:
HANDLE_HOLDER lexp placeholder for handle or pointer - normally 0
TOP wexp display rectangle (local coordinates):
LEFT wexp
RIGHT wexp
ITEM_TYPE bexp type of the item:
0 user defined (dialog only)
4 std button control
5 std check box control
6 std radio button control
7 defined in CTRL template
8 static text
16 editable text (dialog only)
32 icon
64 QuickDraw picture
128 add to any of above to disable
ITEM ---- the actual item; contents of this field
depend on item type as follows:
If item type is, then content is:
4,5,6 str control title
7 wexp resc ID of template
8,16 str the text
32,64 wexp resc ID of ICON or PICT
0 nil empty (length = 0)
TOP wexp bounds rectangle:
LEFT wexp
RIGHT wexp
WINDOW_DEFINITION_ID wexp the type of window:
0 std doc wind or modeless dialog box
1 alert box or modal dialog box
2 plain box
3 plain box with shadow
4 doc window without size box
16 rounded corner window
VISIBLE wexp boolean, initial state of dialog
GOAWAY wexp boolean, TRUE means window has a close box
REFCON lexp user defined value
RESC_ID_OF_ITEM_LIST wexp resc ID of the DITL for this dialog
TITLE str the dialog's title (0 length string if modal
dialog box)
FILETYPE chrl typically APPL
FILENAME str filename that should follow the file
to a new disk (null string if none)
(32) ICON_BYTE_LONGS lexp icon bit map - 32 longs:
(32) ICON1_BYTE_LONGS lexp icon bit map - 32 longs:
(32) ICON2_BYTE_LONGS lexp icon bit map mask - 32 longs:
WIDTH_HOLDER wexp 0 - placeholder for menu width
HEIGHT_HOLDER wexp 0 - placeholder for menu height
STD_MENU_PROC_HOLDER lexp normally 0
ENABLE_MASK lexp bit 0 set if menu enabled,
bit 1 set if menu item 1 enabled,
bit 2 set if menu item 2 enabled,
MENU_TITLE str the menu's title
NUMBER_MENU_ITEMS wexp number of items in the menu:
For each menu item:
MENU_ITEM str the text of the item
ICON_NUMBER bexp 0 = none, ICON'S resc ID = ICON number + 256
KEYBD_EQUIV bexp equivalent kybd char code, 0 = none
MARKING_CHAR bexp marking char code, 0 = no mark
TEXT_STYLE bexp text style of the item:
bit 0 = bold
bit 1 = italic
bit 2 = underline
bit 3 = outline
bit 4 = shadow
bit 5 = condense
bit 6 = extend
PATTERN_BYTES lexp two longs:
" lexp
NO_OF_PATTERNS wexp the number of patterns in the list:
For each pattern:
PATTERN_BYTES lexp two longs:
" lexp
NO_OF_STRINGS wexp the number of strings in the list:
For each string:
TOP wexp bounds rectangle:
LEFT wexp
RIGHT wexp
WINDOW_DEFINITION_ID wexp window type:
0 std doc window or modeless dialog
1 alert box or modal dialog box
2 plain box
3 plain box with shadow
4 doc window without size box
16 rounded corner window
VISIBLE wexp boolean, initial state of window
GOAWAY wexp boolean, TRUE means window has a close box
REFCON lexp user defined value
TITLE str the window's title
[[ XXXX,ID,ATTR,NAME user defined resource
<DATA/CODE> whatever you want
]] don't forget the ender!
McLink is the linker portion of the McAssembly program. McLink links
together .REL files produced by McAssembly and stores the result in a resource
file. Depending on the contents of the .REL files, the resulting resource file
is either a pure resource file or an executable application.
(McAssembly can't link object files which are in the MDS or MPW
formats. The reverse is also true. However, McAssembly can generate MPW format
object files, and a utility is provided to those who register that will convert
McAssembly object files to MDS object files.)
The file you specify to McLink is actually a link specification file.
It contains the names of the files to be linked and the name of the resulting
output file. The specification file has the following format (each filename is
on a separate line):
* Lines starting with an asterisk are comments and are ignored.
input .REL filename 1
input .REL filename 2
* Lines grouped by [...] are used to consolidate user-defined
* resources which are split up into several source modules
* into one resource. As follows...
input .REL filename 3
input .REL filename 4
% input resource filename n
% input resource filename n+1
* Lines starting with an '@' are path specifiers - they specify an HFS
* path to use to access all subsequent files
@ pathname
/output filename
The input files must be either McAssembly .REL files or resource files. The %
character must be the first character of lines containing resource filenames to
differentiate them from .REL files. If an input filename doesn't end in .REL
and it's not a resource file, McLink adds .REL to the name before it tries to
open the file. The output filename must be the last filename in the list and
must be preceded by a slash character.
Resource files are handled as follows: McLink copies all resources in
the resource file to the linked output file. If a resource in the resource file
is the same as a resource defined in a .REL file, the resource file copy will
replace the .REL file copy in the output file. If a BNDL resource is copied,
the output file's bundle bit is set.
There are only two aspects of ordering that you must follow: 1.) the
first data item in the first file that's linked must be the starting
instruction of the program, and 2.) all resources must be linked after all code
and/or data. If you attempt to link code after a resource has been linked you
get an error message.
McAssembly lets you divide up your application into segments. To
implement segmenting, you have to do two things: 1.) specify what routines in a
particular module may be called from other segments, and 2.) specify the
partitioning of the code into segments, i.e., what modules are in what
segments. Item 1 is accomplished through the use of the JTBL pseudo-op and
allows McLink to construct the jump table containing an entry for every
cross-segment accessible routine. Item 2 is accomplished by a SEGMENT COMMAND
LINE in your link specification file and tells McLink how to break up the code
into segments. The JTBL pseudo-op is described earlier and the segment command
line description follows.
The Segment Command Line is a special command line in the link
specification file. It has the following syntax:
$ [P] [L]
The $ character tells the linker that this line is not the name of a file to be
linked but is the start of a new segment. The segment command line writes all
modules linked so far to the output file as one segment and groups all
subsequent modules (until another segment command line) into a new segment. The
P and L parameters specify the attributes of the new code segment. P specifies
that the segment is to be "preloaded" and L specifies that the segment is to be
"locked." The default for both of these parameters is "not preloaded" and "not
locked." (Don't specify a segment command line for the first segment. McLink
defaults the attributes for segment number one to "preloaded," "locked," and
Here's an example link specification file for an application that
contains four code segments:
$ P
$ L P
In this example, MAIN is in segment one, SEG2A and SEG2B in segment two, SEG3
in segment three, and SEG4 in segment four. All segments are purgeable;
segments one, three and four are to be preloaded; and segments one and four are
locked. The resulting application program is placed in the file MAIN.APPL.
The File menu Run job choice in McAssembly operates on a Job
Specification File. A job specification file contains a list of filenames to be
assembled and linked to form an output file. By using a job specification file,
you eliminate assembling each file separately and invoking the linker to link
The format of a job specification file is a link specification file
whose filenames have no suffixes (.ASM or .REL). In fact, a job specification
file can be used as a link specification file, providing it specifies an output
file in its last filename line. Here's an example of a job specification file:
* This is a comment line
* Assemble the file X.ASM if necessary:
* Assemble the file Y.ASM if necessary:
* Assemble the file Z.ASM if necessary:
* Put the linked X.REL, Y.REL and Z.REL files into the
* output file XYZ:
To understand what the job control manager does for this file,
understand first that a job is run in two phases, an assembly phase and a link
phase. The assembly phase assembles the files and the link phase links the
resulting .REL files.
During the assembly phase, the job control manager ignores any line in
the specification file which starts with any of the characters *, $, or / or
which is a blank line. These are comment lines and link control lines which
have no meaning in assembly. Any other lines are assumed to contain a
non-suffixed filename which is a candidate for assembly. For example, the first
thing the job control manager does for this job file is to skip the first two
lines because they're comment lines. It then operates on the line X. The job
control manager looks to see if X.ASM is on the disk. Let's assume for the
purposes of this example that X.ASM isn't on the disk. In this case, the job
control manager assumes that X.REL exists and that you don't want to reassemble
it. So the specification file line containing X is ignored.
The next line is examined similarly. Let's assume the converse here -
that Y.ASM does exist. The job control manager assembles Y.ASM if either one of
the following two conditions is met: 1.) there is no Y.REL file on the disk, or
2.) the existing copy of Y.REL is out-of-date. (It's out-of-date if the
modification date of Y.REL is earlier in time than the modification date of
Y.ASM.) In either of these two cases, Y.ASM is assembled, creating a new copy
of Y.REL. If Y.REL is up-to-date, then the specification line containing Y is
skipped and no assembly is performed.
Having disposed of the Y file line, the job control manager goes on to
the Z file line. A similar analysis goes on as above and Z.ASM is assembled if
Finally, the last line, /XYZ, is examined. The job control manager
recognizes this as an output file specification line for the linker, so the
linker is invoked. This ends the assembly phase of the job and begins the link
In the link phase, the linker links the files using the job
specification file as the link specification file. After the link is complete,
the job is done and control returns to the top level of McAssembly.
If the /XYZ line doesn't exist in the job file, then the job control
manager assumes that no link is desired and skips the linker phase of the job.
This allows you to use job files for just assemblies.
Here are the syntaxes for the new 68020 address modes, where
bd is the base displacement
An or PC is the base register
Rn*s is the index register and s = a scale factor of 1,2,4,8
(scale defaults to 1 if omitted)
od is the outer displacement
(The spaces in the following aren't necessary - they're just there to
visually show the components which may be specified or omitted.)
( bd,An ,Rn*s ) addr reg indirect with base displacement
( An ,Rn*s ) *** old 68000 address mode
( bd,An )
( An ) *** old 68000 address mode
([bd,An],Rn*s,od) addr reg memory indirect, post-indexed
([ An],Rn*s,od)
([ An] ,od)
([ An] )
([bd,An] ,od)
([bd,An] )
([bd,An,Rn*s],od) addr reg memory indirect, pre-indexed
([ An,Rn*s],od)
([ An] ,od)
([ An] )
([bd,An] ,od)
([bd,An] )
( bd,PC ,Rn*s ) PC indirect with base displacement
( PC ,Rn*s )
( bd,PC )
( PC )
([bd,PC],Rn*s,od) PC memory indirect, post-indexed
([ PC],Rn*s,od)
([ PC] ,od)
([ PC] )
([bd,PC] ,od)
([bd,PC] )
([bd,PC,Rn*s],od) PC memory indirect, pre-indexed
([ PC,Rn*s],od)
([ PC] ,od)
([ PC] )
([bd,PC] ,od)
([bd,PC] )
Notice that you can omit any of the address components except for the
base register component by simply not typing it. If you want to suppress
the base register, then specify either ZA or ZP for the An and PC components
of the address respectively. For example,
(bd,ZP,Rn) will suppress the PC base register
The base and outer displacements may be either word or long values.
McAssembly uses whichever size is appropriate based on the symbol's value.
You can't specify a particular size. Also, base and outer displacements
must be absolute symbols, except in the PC memory indirect modes, in which
case the base displacement must be a relocatable value.
McAssembly requires certain suffixes on filenames as follows: (These
can be in any combination of upper or lower case.)
.asm assembler source files
.rel assembler object files
.lst assembler listing files
.psm assembler packed symbol files
.lnk link specification file
.job job specification file or link specification file
.map linker listing output file
.sym binary symbol table output by the linker for use by McBug
The filenames in the Transfer Menu are changeable by the user using
ResEdit. It works like this: Any STR resource in the McAssembly file with an ID
of 1000 or greater is interpreted by McAssembly as a filename to be added to
the Transfer Menu. You can edit or delete the supplied filenames, or add as
many of your own as you like. The following special details apply to this
* A filename consisting of only a dash '-' generates a disabled
line of dashes.
* A '/' before a character will make that character a command
key equivalent for the transfer to that file.
* A '<' before a B,I,U,O, or S will make the style of the menu
item bold, italic, underline, outline, or shadow
* If the file isn't in the same folder as McAssembly, then you
must specify a full HFS pathname as in
* A filename can't be longer than 31 characters.
McAssembly can create object files in the MPW format. The linker can't
link them, but you can link them with the MPW linker. MPW object files will
have the suffix '.o.' as opposed to the normal '.rel'.
There are two special assembler pseudo-ops in MPW mode. You can use
them in normal McAssembly mode, but they'll have no effect on the output files.
These pseudo-ops and their descriptions are:
Identifies a module as being the main code and data module in the
application. This causes two things to happen: 1.) The first instruction in the
module will be the first instruction executed when the resulting linked
application is executed, and 2.) Any A5SEC data in the module is guaranteed to
be located immediately below A5. (This data placement is discussed in more
detail below.)
(In McAssembly, a "module" is equivalent to a source file. This is
different than the MPW definition of a module, which allows any number of
modules to be contained in one source file.)
SEG ["<segment name>"]
Allows you to control the segmentation of your program. Only the last
seg statement in a source file is effective. It causes all of the code
generated by that file to be placed in a segment named segment name. Code which
resides in any particular segment doesn't have to be linked consecutively - the
MPW linker figures out what goes where and collects all segment code together
regardless of what order the files are linked in. If you don't use a seg
statement in a file or use a seg without a segment name then all of the code in
the file is placed in a segment named Main by the linker.
(Again, this is slightly different than the MPW convention, which
allows code in any one source file to be placed into any number of segments.)
Just as there are some things you can do in the MPW assembler that you
can't do in McAssembly, there are also some McAssembly features that can't be
implemented with the MPW object format. Here's what you can't do in MPW mode:
1.) The pseudo-ops A5OFF, FSIGN, and FTYPE are illegal in MPW mode.
2.) None of the resource compiling capabilities can be used.
3.) In McAssembly, you can branch to an externally defined symbol using
the Bcc, BSR, and DBcc instructions. You can't do that in MPW. You have to use
equivalent JSR and JMP instructions instead.
The MPW linker has a slightly different perspective of A5 data
allocation than MDS had - it's entirely under your control. This means that the
linker has no provisions for allowing for the usual $100 bytes of QuickDraw
global storage on top of your own A5 data. If your programs rely on this (and
they do if they do an InitGraf !-4(A5) when they start up!), then you have to
allocate this area specifically yourself. You can do it very simply like this
<your own global variable definitions>
ds.b grafSize QuickDraw's space
but there are two important restrictions for this to work properly:
1.) The grafSize bytes of A5 storage must be defined in the main module
(the source file containing the main pseudo-op.) If it's not in the main
module, then the linker will not necessarily place it immediately below A5.
2.) The grafSize bytes of A5 storage must be the last A5 storage item
defined in the main module. In other words, if you have several A5SEC's in your
main file, then make sure that the grafSize bytes are the last A5SEC item in
the file. (This is because McAssembly allocates A5 variables in reverse order
of how they appear in the file - the first A5 variable is the lowest in memory,
and the last is highest in memory.)
(Notice that grafSize, which is defined in the QuickEqu system file, is
only $CE bytes, not $100. GrafSize is all that's actually required. I think the
$100 was just used for historical reasons as an arbitrarily large enough
The McAssembly linker menu contains an option to save link .MAP files
in a user-definable format. This is accomplished by the use of a resource
containing the user-supplied formatting code. This resource is type UMAP, ID
128. If a .MAP file has been requested, and if the user .MAP file format is
selected, then the linker communicates with the UMAP resource code to
accomplish the writing of symbol table information to the .MAP file.
The default user .MAP file format is an enhanced MDS format, and has
been designed to work with Steve Jasik's debugger. It should probably also work
with TMON. The source code for the UMAP resource is provided to all registered
users so it can easily be modified to support other .MAP formats.
The following resources affect McAssembly's operation, and may be
changed to whatever you like:
STR,128 = The four-character creator string for all text files created
by McAssembly. For example, change this to 'QED1' if you use
the QUED editor.
STR,129 = A string which is sent to the printer before every print job.
Change this to whatever your printer likes to see.